[창간축하 메시지] "비전과 희망을 전달하는 나침반의 역할 기대"
[창간축하 메시지] "비전과 희망을 전달하는 나침반의 역할 기대"
  • 뉴스N제주
  • 승인 2018.08.14 15:02
  • 댓글 0
이 기사를 공유합니다

뉴스N제주 2018 창간에 부쳐
이광선 팝페라 가수/ 한국문학 세계교류협회 제주지회 홍보대사
이광선 팝페라 가수
이광선 팝페라 가수

From: Popora Singer/Ambassador of Korean Literature World Association Jeju
Kwang Sun Lee

Celebrate the launch of NewsNJeju,

I am privileged to give this letter to my good friend, NewsNJeju.

“There is a dream in everyone’s heart, and the dream becomes a reality with passion and responsibility“

I wish NewsNJeju will always have the passion to stay on top of it’s mission; the idea of pursue media and social innovation through practice of freedom of the press, prompt and fast news delivery, exploration, planning and in-depth coverage.

I hope that NewsNJeju will be responsile for your mission; function as a compass to pursue the happy lives of Jeju people and to be a vigilant guardian who keeps clean Jeju environment and to spread our vision and hope.

Therefore, I am here to give warm support to my trustworthy friend NewsNJeju to prepare for the next step toward successful accomplishment of the mission,  the best-in-class press in the world.

2018, 08, 14
Popera Singer & Ambassador of Korean Literature World Association Jeju
Kwang Sun Lee

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